Small and Smart Product Lab
The limitations of skype lessons have always frustrated me.
If you teach for impact, you know what I mean. You can’t just steal the show for an hour and talk about how wonderful of a teacher you are.
Your students hire you to help them develop skills, which on the surface requires little talking on your part.
- You guide.
- You coach.
- You correct.
- You help the students internalize information.
- You let them do the work.
- You create the framework so they feel like it’s easy and doable.
Ironically, the better you are, the easier it is for your student to think that they’ve done all of that on their own.
Forget the lesson plan you’ve created.
Forget the guidance and correction.
Forget the customized syllabus with a set of specific goals that student knew nothing about.
I remember developing a thorough, 6-week plan to help a non-fluent Intermediate student achieve fluency within that short period of time. She had an extensive knowledge base, but knowledge and skill are two different things. She was also motivated to learn.
After 6 weeks and her significantly improved fluency she said that she didn’t want to continue working with me because she felt like she had achieved such results without my help.
I’m glad she recognized the results, but when your work is structured and laser-focused, students may take it for granted and even discredit it.

What if you could grab your students’ attention for 1 hour and tell them how much expertise you have to help them solve the problem and give them step-by-step instruction to achieve their goals?
What if you could take that 1 hour to give them the tools so they can see that your system really works?
What if you could provide so much value that your student becomes your fan and continues working with you regardless of your price?
What if you could do it in a way that’s viable to you and affordable to your student?
What if you could do it when you sleep, when you go for a run, when you do yoga, when you enjoy your cappuccino, when you spend time with your loved ones, eating out at a restaurant, watching a movie, or reading a book?
What if you could share some incredible value only you possess with hundreds of people around the world, at the same time?
This is why I designed my Small & Smart Product Lab – a place where online teachers like you can get their feet wet and hands dirty and actually make smart online teaching happen.
You can write an e-book, design a unique test, run a challenge, launch a course, share it with people you don’t know, make impact and money. But most importantly you will communicate with your potential clients 24:7, no matter where they are in the world.
The most rewarding for me was the feeling of seeing people who you’ve never met in person or even over Skype trust you enough to actually pay you via your website. It’s such a high. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that. And then of course there’s the amazing feeling you get when you’re then able to help these people further by selling them the next product or service.
I had a ton of support from Elena during my launch. … I think we can waste a lot of time searching for the magic bullet course or programme that we want to create for our students. But really, it starts with a small product or service that gives them a quick win and builds trust. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have clients (the most important part, right?) and a springboard to creating other products and services that will satisfy them.
What’s included in the package?
My 4-week thorough guide on the important milestones you need to set up, weekly, for a successful product creation and launch.
Unlimited Q&A via Slack Chat.
2 week support during the pre-launch and launch weeks.
The launch blueprint I’ve used myself when I launched my products.
Brainstorming and guidance to narrow down, think small, strategic and focused.
The questions you might ask
Maybe it’s not the right time?
It’s always the right time to work smarter, to focus on what’s important, to make meaning and to save time. After all, this is why you’ve chosen to teach online, not to relocate from a traditional classroom to skype, but to create a model that will help you be more flexible and creative.
Well, but I’ve written multiple e-books/created an e-course, but nobody has bought it. So I’ve pretty much given up on the idea.
I hear you! You haven’t had success because you’ve approached the task with linear thinking, constructed in your own mind by observing what others are doing. I’ve done that, too.
I’ve tried to create and sell a product relying on my own instincts, instead of learning from people who have done it multiple times and coached others to do it.
In my Small and Smart Product Lab you will create, market and sell. You may not have a huge following or a large list, but you will be able to sell because of the roadmap, the structure and the support I offer you.
But what if I don’t know what I should create?
This is why you should enroll! You may not know everything clearly, but my insights and guidance will help you find your voice, your niche, your audience that will buy from you.
The most challenging task for me was keeping the project small. When you look close and deep enough, any problem, even the smallest one, becomes colossal. Overwhelming. Unmanageable.
And that’s where Elena came in again. She helped me go back to the core of the problem I was trying to solve. And when I cut through the overwhelm, I found my confidence. I knew I was able to see it through, and that this wasn’t going to be another infoproduct that just adds to the noise.
And I knew I’d just entered the next stage of my business.
Your Investment
A 4-week guide with actionable tips and strategic steps you need to take to make your small product a reality.
- Unlimited chat with me via Slack platform (ask questions, download your assignments, get more motivation and focus).
- A 2-week launch assistance. The 2 weeks can be scheduled for a later date if you’re still developing a product.
- My launch plan to help you focus on how to launch and what tools to use.
- Copywriting and strategy building consultation while you’re putting all of your materials together.
Payment Plans are available.
The program is designed for people who have already taught online or who would like to build their business without 100% reliance on skype lessons, i.e. smart online teaching. Dedicated and motivated online teachers will benefit from this program greatly, as well those who are willing to challenge their thinking. List building knowledge is a huge benefit, so I encourage everyone who has gone through my Express Email List Builder to enroll in product creation as well.
When I received Elena’s email with the Small Product Lab curriculum, I felt instant relief – it was so clear and strategic. I knew what to focus on each week and it looked like small but powerful action steps.
…thanks to the deadlines, I learned to focus on the essentials and cut off the nice but not so necessary bits (which I would’ve never been able to do on my own).
Imagine my surprise when I made 6 sales, 4 people out of 6 buying a more expensive version of my program with personal support!
But the most important thing for me was not the money. It was the realization that there are people who are interested in what I have to offer even though it’s about grammar (which is not in trend nowadays).
Coaching my group of students in an asynchronous way was a unique and exciting experience too. I was surprised to see that there’re people who can and are happy to learn independently with some support.
Thanks to working with Elena in the Small Product Lab I learned a lot about myself and what I’m capable of.
Questions? Feel free to ask!
If I didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop me a line anytime.
© Elena Mutonono, 2018