What image comes to mind when you think of a small business?


For me, it’s the memory of my dad’s workshop. Wood chips everywhere. The tangy smell of the varnish. The gorgeous pieces with his artistic taste imprinted on them, waiting for their new home.


It’s my dad’s sketches that later turned into paintings carved on wood displayed around our house. It’s the new opportunities his business gave me: the foreign language mastery, the education abroad, the overseas travels, the freedom to dream.

Why do we want to run small businesses?


It’s irrational, isn’t it? Thousands of people around you choose to opt out of their “real” job security and seek to build something of their own.

I believe it’s because we have this atomic creativity locked inside us, waiting to break free from the confines of the “shoulds” and “supposed-tos.”

It’s that craft that we long to polish and hone, which can support our growth as individuals, not money-making units.

Ultimately, it’s the force that wants to make a small change in someone else’s life, whether it’s helping people learn a new language, become fit, keep their happiest moments in remarkable images or brighten their days through uplifting music.

We refuse to invest our precious time into growing our boss’s bank account, receiving pennies in return.

We are the dreamers who want to build our own microcosm where change happens.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~ Steve Jobs

How can I help you?


This is a place for you to build your small online teaching business, the smart way. I won’t bore you with 6-figure reports and overwhelming to-do lists. I won’t tell you about the multiple software and plugins you should buy.

I want to help you build a business so you can share your passion with the world, use your gifts and creativity to reach thousands of dreamers like you online.

If you’re wondering how you can accomplish your mission beyond 1:1 teaching format and impact more people around the world, you’ve found the right place for your business to grow.

All of my products and services are for you if you want to:

• Move from 1:1 to 1: ∞

• Work smarter, not harder

• Make meaning first

• Build a small and smart business, not a quick money gig or a corporate behemoth

• Run away from the exhausting hustle for worth, meaningless rat race and the corporate-bred drive to outdo everyone (even online!).

• Stop telling yourself “I don’t have XYZ” (time, money, etc.).

• Enjoy your life more and leave your beautiful craft as legacy

• Find the courage to say “no” to things that won’t benefit you in the long run

• Teach and lead the tribe of people who sync with your beliefs

I believe that…


• In order to teach, you have to lead by example.

• People can learn quickly if they’re inspired and focused. I hate overwhelm and love simplicity.

• Communities help us thrive as individuals. No flying solo will make you successful.

• Money is a tool to be used and shared – wealthy isn’t the one who has, but the one who can give what he has with a cheerful heart.

Wealthy isn’t the one who has, but the one who can give what he has with a cheerful heart.

• You don’t have to pile more hours to make more money – you can redesign your business to make the same amount in half the time.

• I am enough. I don’t need to make six figures, live in a fancy house or prove to everyone (on social media) that I’m happy. I can be happy with what I have right now because I’m grateful for what I have.

• If you don’t like something about your life, change what you can and learn to be grateful. Don’t complain.

• Saying no to clients you don’t like is liberating. That frees up you to bring more value to the clients you love.

“I don’t need to make six figures, live in a fancy house or prove to everyone (on social media) that I’m happy. I can be happy with what I have right now because I’m grateful for what I have.”

Opting out of the job that stifles your creativity is brave. But (if you have a choice) don’t do it on a whim – always have a plan.

Sales are a by-product of authenticity. Bring your true self to your tribe, share your why, and you won’t need to use gimmicks or push marketing.


• The time to change anything is now. We don’t hold the keys of tomorrow, now is the only gift we have. We need to use it.

“The time to change anything is now. We don’t hold the keys of tomorrow, now is the only gift we have. We need to use it.”

Above all, if your definition of success is growth as an individual, I invite you to work with me.

What grows, never grows old. ~ Jacob the Baker

I leave you with my favorite poem that summarizes my quest for meaning and impact in everything I do.

In every thing I want to grasp

Its very core.

In work, in searching for the path,

In heart’s uproar.


To see the essence of my days,

In every minute

To see its cause, its root, its base,

Its sacred meaning.


Perceiving constantly the hidden

Thread of fate

To live, to think, to love, to feel

And to create.


If I was able, I would write,

I’d try to fashion

The eight of lines, the eight of rhymes

On laws of passion,


On the unlawfulness and sins,

On runs and chases,

On palms and elbows, sudden somethings,

Chances, mazes.

I’d learn the passion’s rules and ways,

Its source and matter,

I would repeat its lovely names,

Each single letter.


I’d plant a verse as park to grow.

In verbs and nouns

Lime-trees would blossom in a row,

Aligning crowns.


I’d bring to verses scents and forms

Of mint and roses,

Spring meadows, bursts of thunderstorms,

Hay stacks and mosses.


This way Chopin in the old days

Composed, infusing

The breath of parks and groves and graves

Into his music.


The triumph – agony and play –

The top, the brink.

The tightened bow-string vibrates –

The living string.

(c) Elena Mutonono, 2017

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