OnlineBound Podcast #21

Shena Lashey on not dimming your light when you share your work with the world

May 12, 2022

In this interview with Shena Lashey, you’ll learn about the phenomenon of dimming your light when you share your work with the world.

Have you ever felt guilty for your own success? Are you afraid that if you shine too bright, you may take the light away from others, make them envious or uncomfortable, or invite haters?

You are not alone. Listen to this episode to learn what dimming your light means and why we do that, and also what we can do about it.

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About Shena

Shena Lashey is a Relational Trauma and Love Addiction Expert, Coach, and Licensed Professional Counselor based out of Houston, TX. She is the founder of Black Girls Heal, and coaching and therapeutic education company dedicated to helping women of color break the cycles of unavailable relationships & love addiction, heal unresolved childhood trauma and improve their self love to make way for the love they want. With these specializations, Shena hosts the Black Girls Heal podcast which talks about all things love addiction, intimacy, attachment and healing internal wounds. She’s created the Healed and Loved Woman Framework ™ to help women have a clear path to outline their healing process to become balanced and available to healthy love. Her coaching programs housed under The Recovery School helps give women proven and tested systems to break these cycles and change their life.

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OnlineBound is created and produced by Elena Mutonono and edited by Hanna James. Podcast notes, branding, graphic design, and tech support by Veronika Palovska. Podcast music by James Martin.

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