What happens when all the marketing you do for your online teaching business hits a wall? Knowing how “ecstatic” you get when you think about marketing, hitting a wall is a common experience. What we do about it determines whether or not our business will thrive.


In his insightful 10-minute TEDex talk, Paul Rulkens argues that when 97% of us hit a wall we choose:


  1. To do the same things, except try harder.
  2. Not to do anything at all.


Only 3% of the population will try a different, creative solution when faced with a problem.


“… how often we all try to solve problems by doing more of what’s not working — just doing it harder, grinding it out longer. We’ll do anything to avoid the lowest of the low – self examination.” Brené Brown.


If you’re an online teacher with a marketing crisis on your hands, you’re likely to:


  1. Go and get yourself a new certificate – DELTA, CELTA, etc. (because more CPD will make your services more appealing in the eyes of your clients, right?).
  2. Create an online course (the emphasis is of course on the create part, not the sell part).


If you want to be in the remaining 3% category, you’ll know that creating an online course (or a membership site, or starting a new podcast) is like pouring new wine into the old wineskins — it will create new problems.


It’s our mindset that needs to change, the core, the why, and until we look on the inside and see how our brands are different and unique, nothing external will miraculously fix our marketing.


So in this post I’m sharing the marketing resources (books, programs, courses and blogs) for the 3% of the people who have been brave enough to tell themselves that a new product isn’t a solution to an internal wound.



Ready to create and sell your own program? Check out my workshop.


From 1 to Infinity workshop bundle


Let’s dive in: 20+ Resources to Boost Your Marketing Online


Disclaimer: some of the links below are affiliate* (here’s what it means). I’ve tried/read/tested all of them, and they’ve helped me transform my marketing by doing the hard, deep-digging and satisfying work of self-discovery.


Blogs (7):



Books (6):



Courses/programs (4):



Check out these 25 #values focused resources to boost your #marketing online. #biztipsClick To Tweet


Communities (3):


FREE Facebook groups:

PAID communities:

  • Holstee membership (to keep yourself motivated, use mutonono3 to get the first 3 months at 30% off): from $15/mo
  • Smart Teacher’s Library (to find actionable marketing solutions when you teach online + access to community + coaches): $30+/mo


Events (1):


  • Online Teacher’s Summit (if you want to teach online, this is a place to get started. Just make sure you free up a lot of time to watch the videos + participate in discussions).



Your turn:


Can you share any other life-and-business-transforming marketing events, courses, programs or books? Please post them in the comments and add how they have helped your business. Thank you!



*** The post was updated in April, 2021***


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