by Elena Mutonono | May 23, 2019 | featured, Social Media, Teacherpreneur
Dana teaches Italian online. But so does Erika. And Chiara. And Aurora. And Sofia. And Greta. And Federico. And Gabriele. And Lorenzo. And Alessandro. All of them have Instagram accounts called @ItalianWith________ (insert a name). All of them hate Grammar, textbooks,...
by Elena Mutonono | Apr 20, 2017 | Course creation, featured, Online teaching formats, Small Product, Teacherpreneur
Let me walk you through the typical, speedy course creation process. “I’m so sick and tired of my clients making the same mistakes.” “I’m so exhausted coaching folks 1:1. Wow, these mistakes would make great content for a wonderful...
by Elena Mutonono | Jul 21, 2016 | featured, Online teaching formats, Teacherpreneur
Last week I featured Chris Rush’s post on how he began giving skype lessons via italki, and moved from zero students to being overbooked. This week I want to share with you how you can make money online without teaching on skype. In my book The Numbers...