by Tiaan | Jun 23, 2022 | Small Product
One book can help you grow your online teaching business. That’s why if you coach or teach, making a book, a workbook, or an audio book is something to consider. In this post I want to talk about what happens after you self-publish and how to use one book as a...
by Tiaan | Jun 9, 2022 | Small Product
You may have heard this many times: self-publish a book so you can teach with more authority and find ideal clients. But where do you start? Where’s the guarantee that a tiny book will bring ideal clients your way? And – what if you’re not a writer? I...
by Elena Mutonono | Nov 12, 2020 | marketing, Small Product
October was my “month of planning,” and following a Library launch I decided to create and sell a new product bundle (webinar + mini-course) with the emphasis on planning your work and planning product launches. In this post I’ll share my process step-by-step...
by Elena Mutonono | Mar 26, 2020 | marketing, Small Product, Teacherpreneur
Remember the first time you spoke a foreign language? When all the hours of practice and drills are finally paying off? That first time when random words are a sentence and what used to sound like a gargle is now a piece of information? That first time is intoxicating...
by Elena Mutonono | Feb 8, 2018 | Business creativity, Client search, marketing, Small Product, Smart online teaching, Teacherpreneur
What comes to mind when you think of online teaching trends? Many times, you don’t have to think. Every day an ad pops up on your social media feed telling you that teaching online is an easy ride. You can either: Register your account with an...